And than i Was in the presense, glorified in my humble humility, for the sake i reflect to myself my years and cycles in astonishment, and being so distressed i feel i call out and around for any and all help, for i see my sadside as weary and drained... ...But than, in a instant i awaken to the Grand-All, for this is what we have all been seeking, like a planet to arrive, for harvest time is come, and we the beings of the bright universe, screaming our Love for all that is, calmly reconsidering a dying soul or body, and all that i be have said all i need, for my works here near a finishing point that i have accepted bitterly knowing that my works will be my belt of honor, my respect in the mirror, the prana of my vital lifeforce- Namaste and Selah As both sides near a phase where the diverse expansion of our progress will be enabled, i pray aloud, be one, be love, seek harmony and peace, respect this planet and seek to serve others in-so-much as to rely on God in UsAll to be ALL That It Is. for are we but peices on a board with a moral goal of seeing it all, knowing what we desire and creating our own realities cohabitated with all these whome our vibrational match resides with.